Fawad Khan and Hamza Ali Abbasi for Maula Jatt 2

Lahore, The new upcoming movie, Maula Jatt is being ready to be launched. Bilal Lashari has done tremendous work on this project to make this wonderful movie.
This movie is the remake of the Maula Jatt of Sultan Rahi and it costs for multi million dollars and it was announced in December 2013. It is reported in the media that the team of action choreographers from Los Angeles came in Lahore to give the training to the lead actors of the movie for the hazardous task. The team stayed in Lahore for couple of weeks and they conducted the workshop there for the cast and crew.
Both Fawwad and Hamzi Ali Abbasi will perform in this movie and they will train for their particular roles. The first spell of the movie focused on Hamza and the sources further said that LA team is stayed here and they would return after the completion of the shooting of the movie.
It was also reported that Hamza and Fawad left for Los Angeles to start their physical transformation. This would be more than the physical transformation and Fawad will perform as Maula Jatt and Hamza will work as Noori Natt and it will be shocking news for the audience.
The director of the movie said that fans must not think about this movie as the remake of the previous movie as there is lot of changes made in this movie and it will be quite different from the original movie and keep the contemporary requirements for this movie.

Tags: Maula Jatt 2 | Fawad Khan | Hamza Ali Abbasi