Sange Mar Mar Episode 25 in HD

Sange Mar Mar 16 February 2017 Full on Hum TV in High Quality

Sange Mar Mar Episode 25 in HD Drama Episode Thursday 16 Feb 2017 | Wednesday 15 Feb 2017 | Watch Hum TV Upcoming & Previous Latest Episodes Friday 17 Feb 2017 to Thursday 23 Feb 2017 youtube tv video download today, Next Episode 26 etc.
Sange Mar Mar is the new and elegant drama serial, which is being telecast to its viewers. It is getting popular with its every new episode and fans like to watch this drama serial on its scheduled time. The viewers have good time to watch this drama serial and all its episodes gripped the fans and they have the high expectations every week about this drama.
The character of Sherbano is impressive and she danced there to remind the Gulistan of Rakshi and it would be another reality that Gulistan will be getting right. He beat Rakshi to death when he saw her dancing and he could not believe that his daughter can do something to which he hates. The episode shows that Shireen got married with Aurang and Sherbano does not want to happen in this way. Durkhane met with Gohar and she spread the lie that Shireen used to meet with her and Pari was seemed mentally incapacitated and Shireen does not want to do with her anymore as she is looked after by her new family members. This makes Pari restless as she wants to create havoc in the life of Shireen. She wants Shireen to come clean and stop taking the brunt for something that Durkhane is responsible for it.
Gulistan made a confession to Shameem that he killed his own father and she found it little bit unconvincing Aurang made the conversation and he was brought back to his village from city. It was hard for Aurang to know that he lost all his respect, which he had for Gulistan. If he did not found what Gulistan did then he might have agreed with the suggestion of his father to get married to Shireen. Finally, Torah and Aurang got know that Gulistan wants that Aurang should get married to Shireen and Torah will take the desperate measures to ensure it is his sister who get love to her life. Shireen used to meet with Gohar and he witnessed himself when he saw the woman, who entered the home of Saif ur Rehman after having meeting with Gohar but Pari instigated that he has no justification to know the truth and she is still hiding it.
This episode was interesting and it was also slow. The episode has slow pace and it does not matter that this story is moved forward and the slow pace is very evident. The performances of all actors were stunning especially Noman Ejaz was perfect in his role. The direction of the drama was perfect and the story of the drama is looking quite engaging. They showed the simple and effortless marriage ceremony of Durkhane and Kalimullah and they show the marriages should take place. It is hoped that the next episode of the drama will be quite different and little bit more exciting for the viewers, who want watch this drama, Sange Mar Mar and the viewers will also share their views about the next episode of the drama serial.